
Serving the Greater Houston Area Since 1963!

By James Stuart

Chinch Bug Damage

Chinch Bug Damage

The damage chinch bugs cause looks the same as drought damage and they tend to infest the same portions of the lawn that are the hottest and driest to start with. Calling a professional pest control or lawn service is the usually the best and quickest way to solve the problem.

Chinch Bugs

Chinch Bugs

Most of the liquid and granule over the counter pesticide products work well if you apply them correctly. Watering your lawn thoroughly before the pesticide application is also very important in the fight to eliminate chinch bugs. Heavy watering the night before a treatment will force the insects to the surface and cause the pesticide to remain liquid longer, making it more effective. Most granules need to be watered in after they are applied as well. Watering your lawn before you treat for fleas is also very helpful. You can actually drown lots of larvae. Concentrate on the shady areas and where the pets spend most of their time and use lots of water.

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