
Serving the Greater Houston Area Since 1963!

Bed Bug Preparation

Our treatment is not guaranteed, so your preparation is the key to a successful treatment.

  • Remove all small items from target room, especially within 3 feet of the bed, including all items under the bed.
  • Remove all bedding and mattress covers. Put beddings through wash and dry cycle.
  • Stand your mattress and box spring on their side so we have full access to all. We will need to open and treat inside box spring.
  • Thoroughly vacuum floors.
  • Using the attachment, vacuum in detail all edges, seams, holes, drawers, and any areas suspected of harboring bed bugs.
  • Any couches and chairs harboring bed bugs will also need to be vacuumed in detail.
  • Verify A/C is working properly. (cooler & drier is better)
  • Wash and dry suspected clothing.
  • Clean luggage, backpacks, stuffed animals, pillows, etc. appropriately.
  • Move suspected furniture away from wall at least 1 foot to allow access to all sides.
  • Repeat for all subsequent treatments.